Across Acoustics
The official podcast of the Acoustical Society of America's Publications' Office. Highlighting authors' research from our four publications - The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA), JASA Express Letters, Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA), and Acoustics Today.
Podcasting since 2021 • 71 episodes
Across Acoustics
Latest Episodes
Acoustic Levitation and Trapping
Acoustic levitation allows objects to be suspended in air or in liquids without falling. In this episode, we speak with Philip Marston (Washington State University) about the history of acoustic levitation, and his work to translate previous re...
Student Paper Competition: Modeling Trumpets and Falcon 9 Flyback Noise
This episode is part two of our interviews with the POMA student paper winners from our meeting in Ottawa. First, we talk with Miranda Jackson (McGill University) about her research regarding modeling the mouthpiece and bells of brass ...
Student Paper Competition: A Small Ship-Like Structure, Underwater Micronavigation, and Rotorcraft Noise
This episode, we talk to a few of the latest round of POMA Student Paper Competition winners from the 186th ASA Meeting in Ottawa about their exciting research endeavors:- Using a small-scale ship-like structure to test noise mitigation tec...
An Ultrasound-Based Touchscreen
Current touchscreen technology has its limitations. In this episode, we talk with Jérémy Moriot (Université de Sherbrooke) about his team's development of an ultrasound-based system that not only can work with various types of surfaces, but can...
Continuous Active Sonar's Impact on Killer Whales
When pulsed active sonar was found to cause mass strandings of whales, researchers turned to the quieter continuous active sonar for underwater monitoring. In this episode, Brian K. Branstetter (Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Paci...